
Showing posts from October, 2020

Aice Media Studies

 Using Mise-en-scene Description Mise-en-scene is the stage design and arrangement of actors in scenes for a theatre or film production, both in visual arts through storyboarding, visual theme, and cinematography, and in narrative storytelling through direction.  Of course, many different factors contribute to the visuals, the setting , decor, lighting , depth of space, and costumes and makeup, to name only a few; but together, they comprise the mise en scene. Setting is the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place. Decor is  the furnishing and decoration of a room. Lighting is  the arrangement or effect of lights. Depth of space is  the area within, around, above or below an object or objects. It is important to creating and understanding both two dimensional or three dimensional works of art.  Costumes are one of many tools the director has to tell the story. Costumes communicate the details of a characte...

Aice Media Studies

 Using Composition  Composition is the nature of something’s ingredients or constitute; the way in which a while or mixture is made up. In this case, composition are the elements of the image. It’s how the image is put together and displayed. Elements of composition include patter, texture, symmetry, asymmetry, depth of field, lines, curves, frames, contrast, color, viewpoint, depth, negative space, filled space, foreground, background, visual tension, and shapes. You can use one or more of these elements to create a composition that works well with your image. Each of the elements are used its own way and each play an important part in creating an image. The different elements each have there own aspect and each ones plays there part in an image; if the right elements are put together then that can determine what type of image is created.

Aice Media Studies

 Using Camera Shots Camera shots are an important asset of a movie. The term “shot” can mean two different things in the filmmaking process. In creating a film, a shot is the moment the camera starts filming to the moment it stops. There are many different camera shots that are used by film makers and producers. Camera shots help give a better understanding of the movie. It helps describes characters and shows the settings of the film. Different camera shots include extreme wide spot, long shot/wide shot, full shot, medium long shot/ medium wide shot, cowboy shot, medium shot, medium close up, close up, extreme close up, establishing shot. Extreme wide shot - Makes your subject appear small against a their location. Long shot/ wide shot - is the same as an extreme wide shot but a bit closer. Full shot - Let’s your subject fill the frame while keeping emphasis on scenery. Medium long shot - Frames the subject from roughly the knees up. Cowboy shot - frames the subject the subject fr...

Alice Media Studies

 Using Camera Angles  Don’t settle for one view of the screen, use different camera angles and positions. There are many other ways to take pictures and shoot videos other than at eye level. Their are many different ways to catch different angle like the camera horizontal, shooting with it pointing up or down, below the subject, above your head, or from a high angle like on a ladder. You can also shoot from different positions around the subject. Camera angles includes angles and views such as the low angle, high angle, establishing spot, Birdseye, worms eyes shots. Camera positions include the frontal, three-quarter, side view, and back view.       Camera angles Low angle - Camera points upwards from below, make people and things look bigger, more courageous and important. High angle - From above usually make people or thugs look weaker and less powerful. Establishing shot - A high angle shot can also be used to give an overview of the scene. Birdseye shot - Fr...

Aice Media Studies

 House style Many blogs and magazines include house style in order to make their blog or magazine presentable. House style gives your magazine a specific look relating to the type of magazine you have. Each magazine will have its own house style because every magazine is different. House styles are created by editing and adding content to the magazine relating to what the magazine is about. House styles are used to give magazines more taste and a better attracting look for readers and viewers. House styles are based off of the genre of the magazine. What every the magazine is about will determine the structure of the house style.