Aice Media Studies

 Interview Questions Part 2

Previously, i came up with with a few questions to ask my brother for my interview questions. Personally, i know my brother well and a few things about his sports life, so i will ask questions about things i don't currently know. After i come up with my 15 interview questions, then i will start my interview. I know that my brother has been playing basketball and football for a while so i will as about some past experiences that he had. Here are a few more questions that i came up with for my interview:

6. Where do you see yourself in the future with sports?

7. What advise could you give to someone wanting to play sports?

8. What do you think you have improved this season?

9. What moment this season were you most proud of yourself?

10. What emotions do you feel after the game when you have a great performance?

Due to the interview drill that i went through in class, i gain a lot of confidence in interviewing people and i have also improved the quality of the questions that i am asking. i make sure not to ask questions that are too simple or questions that could only be answered with yes or no. i will come up with my last set of question in one of my upcoming blog post.


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